Oregon 4 Hour Auto Dealer CE - Ownership Documents

  • 4 Hour Course
  • 4.4 44 Reviews
  • $35.00

This comprehensive course is designed to equip Oregon auto dealers with the necessary expertise to manage the intricate legal and regulatory requirements of their business operations. The course covers a wide array of topics that are essential for maintaining compliance and avoiding legal pitfalls in the dealership environment.

Participants will delve into the proper use of Power of Attorney, including the distinctions between secure and non-secure forms, and the specific circumstances under which each should be used. The course also explores the legal ramifications of subleasing vehicles and outlines the conditions under which subleasing is permitted by Oregon law.

Additional topics include the responsibilities of lien claimants, particularly in maintaining accurate records and adhering to the Department of Transportation's regulations. The course also explains the expedited title process for odometer-related transactions and provides step-by-step instructions for managing vehicle consignments, from initial agreements to final sale.

Dealers will learn about the issuance and management of various trip permits, including light vehicle, recreational vehicle, and temporary registration permits, ensuring they can provide these services in full compliance with DMV regulations. The course also covers the requirements for handling salvage titles, from application procedures to legal considerations for vehicles that have been wrecked, dismantled, or declared a total loss.

Through a combination of in-depth lessons, real-world examples, and review questions, this course ensures that Oregon auto dealers gain a thorough understanding of these critical legal processes. This knowledge will enable them to conduct their business operations with confidence, ensuring compliance with all applicable state laws and contributing to the overall success and integrity of their dealership.

This course covers the following topics:


Legal and Procedural Aspects

Title and Registration Procedures

VIN Inspections

Miscellaneous Legal Requirements

Employer Obligations and Employee Rights

To promote comprehension, students will complete a 10-question quiz for every hour of content (4-hours, 40 questions).


  • Approved By: Oregon Department of Transportation Driver and Motor Vehicle Services (DMV)

Instructor Bio

At Your Pace Online

At Your Pace Online is a leader in the online education sphere. It offers thousands of hours of education in hundreds of markets and is approved in every state to offer professional continuing education.

Course Reviews

44 Reviews